200+ soft bounces - some guidance please


hey guys

I sent a campaign out and Recieved 200+ soft bounces

I don't want to simply delete them because I don't know the exact reason - but I don't want to effect future delivery so I'm not sure what I should be doing with these soft bounces

I've recently changed from using mandrill to using spark post- I imported my suppression blacklist into sparkpost and delivery etc look the same as mandrill - but now I have all these soft bounces

Any idea what inshalla do ?
You should continue sending to soft bounces.
A soft bounce can be generated because the subscriber has set an autoresponder message, or because of a temporary error on the subscriber account.

So let mailwizz handle this automatically, mailwizz will blacklist soft bounces if they fail 5 times in a row.
Im so glad i didnt delete them

In regards to hard bounces then these should be deleted right away correct?
I'm sending through an smtp server
if I include PCNTL, first sends letters well, after 100-200 hard and soft bounce
if PCNTL off, then all is well

where to get the logs to show you?
Well, going to spam vs bounced is totally different stuff. if they go to spam, they won't bounce.
Sending too fast indeed can send you to spam, so you have to throttle the sending.
I'm sending through an smtp server
if I include PCNTL, first sends letters well, after 100-200 hard and soft bounce
if PCNTL off, then all is well

where to get the logs to show you?

Looks like that third party is not taking care well of recipient server preferences.
Can you reveal who that is, as that could be useful for others to know to avoid getting to the wrong folder...
Generally, a good provider will obey the preferences of all the big receivers (which usually also means it works for most others) and deal with delays, greylisting, etc.
Hope that helps ;)