A Trick for Sending Embedded Image in Email (gmail)?


New Member
I am on some marketer's lists and when I open their emails, I use gmail, their image
appears right away.

When I use mailwhizz, and I have image on my server and simply use link to put into the email,
when I test it going to my gmail, it always asks to Display Images to View, even though my gmail settings has the images to be shown by default.

I've tried compressing the images, using jpg, but still not viewable in gmail upon open.

Any tips?
Use base64 to embed the images, though it is a terrible bad idea.
You can enable this feature in mailwizz, see backend > settings > customers, or you can use any service which transforms an image in it's base64 representation, i.e: https://www.base64-image.de/
But again. My advice is to not do this. Your email size will be huge and you'll have other issues.