Advice for a Newbie?


New Member
Hello All,

It would be much appreciated if I could get a little guidance from you all regarding some preliminary matters related to getting started.

I offer a niche local service where I reach out to business's through cold emails hoping to earn their business. I scrape their emails and then use Sendgrid or Amazon SES to send them emails within their free email plans.

My account got frozen by Sendgrid for too many bounced emails and I got booted from Amazon for the same reason.

I would like to send out email blasts to these emails but need to verify the emails. What is the cheapest and best service I could use to verify the emails and avoid bounces? I know of atomparks bulk email checker program which is a one time fee, but have heard it still has a 4-5% bounce rate and doesnt check yahoo or gmail. I also heard of,,, but would like to keep 100k email verification to $115 or less. In addition, I heard that reverse DNS is important to avoid spam traps and not get blacklisted.

Also, can I use shared hosting to send 300k - 500k emails per month through mailwizz's smtp delivery servers. Or would it be best to use Amazon SES, Sendgrip...etc. Could I sign up for many of those services (amazon, sendgrid) and send emails from all of them through Mailwizz? Is that the cheapest and best solution? How would I send from all of them? Do I have to select them individually or is there a way to select multiple services and the emails will be spread out amongst the services?

If I got a digital ocean droplet would that be better? Faster sending, better deliverability? How would I set it up?

Or should I set up a local email server to avoid bounce issues?

I was using Mautic to send the previous email blasts, but have decided to switch to mailwizz.

Thanks and I know I am asking a million things here, but look forward to any responses.
but would like to keep 100k email verification to $115 or less. will help you.

If I got a digital ocean droplet would that be better? Faster sending, better deliverability?
Yes, use a VPS. Shared hosting is very tricky.

How would I set it up?
Most likely you have to hire someone to set this all for you.

Or should I set up a local email server to avoid bounce issues?
Nope, most likely all your emails won't reach their targets because the end servers will not accept the emails.
Clean your list and send via a known services. Mailwizz can then rotate sending with these services ;)

I was using Mautic to send the previous email blasts, but have decided to switch to mailwizz.
Smart move :D
Thank you! Can I run the email server over digital oceans droplet simultaneously with my wordpress webhosting? If I get the $10 plan.
I scrape their emails
This can lead to many problems, make sure they are not just checked, but you exclude any trap and role addresses.
You might be better off using a partner who already has in their signed-up list the emails of the businesses you target, and give them a share of the initial business, but in return you have a warm intro, which leads to 10-100x business ;)

What is the cheapest and best service I could use to verify the emails and avoid bounces? I know of atomparks bulk email checker program which is a one time fee, but have heard it still has a 4-5% bounce rate and doesnt check yahoo or gmail. I also heard of,,, but would like to keep 100k email verification to $115 or less.
The forum has a whole section for it, but in any case, make sure you take a service that has a "250 ok" check, and start using the 100% OK addresses first, and only later perhaps the questionable results (and of course rather avoid the KO results).

Could I sign up for many of those services (amazon, sendgrid) and send emails from all of them through Mailwizz?
Yes, this will allow you to use each service's free allowance (which you will find in another section of the forum) ;)

Do I have to select them individually or is there a way to select multiple services and the emails will be spread out amongst the services?
When you set them up with the correct (free) quota, mwz will use the available ones :cool:
Thank you very much @frm.mwv
Can you explain what service has the "250 ok" check?

The forum has a whole section for it, but in any case, make sure you take a service that has a "250 ok" check, and start using the 100% OK addresses first, and only later perhaps the questionable results (and of course rather avoid the KO results).

Also which providers have these leads?

using a partner who already has in their signed-up list the emails of the businesses you target, and give them a share of the initial business, but in return you have a warm intro, which leads to 10-100x business ;)

Can you explain what service has the "250 ok" check?
It is best to check with each service before you use them, as they change their depth of services (and prices) offered from time to time.
If they only check the domain or mx, that is not enough, you need a full 'mailbox exist check' (ie '250 ok check').
See an explanation e.g. here, first part:
This one has it: (see e.g. "bounces (hard, transient or soft)"), but their prices are not best (send me a PM for much better deals) ;)

Also which providers have these leads?
Not sure what you mean? You get the results from these verification services, then you use the OK ones first.
Does anyone know how to set up all the delivery servers to rotate between domains while sending one message?

for example there are 3 domains

To set Sendgrid, php mail, smtp, railgun, amazon ses...etc All of the delivery servers to send 1 email that rotates between the IP's of domain1,2 and 3. Or to send the same email from and

THis way domain1 sends the email, Then domain2 sends the identical email and then domain3 sends the same email. However, the same email would have been sent from the 3 different domain names and IP addresses.
