After uploading emails to a new list, the list is empty


New Member
Hello everybody,

I just installed MailWizz and trying to get the logic behind how it works. Currently I have 2 questions:

1. I uploaded several lists from of existing subscribers. After adding a delivery server all the users received an email to confirm their subscription. Is this related to the double opt-in option I've chosen for the list or its something else. Also if I choose single opt-in would the subscribers receive the same email?
The bottom line is that this people already subscribed and confirmed everything and I don't want to make them do it again :-)

2. I created another list and uploaded 45 000 emails. They were there for a couple of days and now the list has 0 emails in it. Any ideas why this might have happened or what did I wrong?

I'd appreciate any comments so I can get the system set up in a proper way.

1. The subscribers imported in the list like shown here: will not receive a confirmation email.
"The bottom line is that this people already subscribed and confirmed everything and I don't want to make them do it again"
That's the point, that's why no email is sent after import.
Are you sure you don't have any autoresponder in place for this?

2. If they all where confirmed there's nothing that could have happened to them.
If you have snet a campaign and for some reason all those emails have bounced back or been marked as unsubscribed, most likely mailwizz has removed them from the system depending on your settings from Backend -> Settings -> Cron.

Hope it helps.