Am I sending to multiple lists without merge?

I know the merge list feature has been previously discussed, but I am curious if this is a valid workaround in Here is my scenario:

My customer creates the campaign and schedules it for a future send date. He selects multiple lists and ends the process by clicking Send. This creates the merged list and schedules the campaign for sending.

I then edit the campaign by changing the lists to which it will be sent. Essentially, I set this back to the original multiple lists selected by my customer instead of the merged list. I save these settings but do not progress to the final campaign settings page.

At the scheduled date and time, the campaign is sent successfully.

The question is to whom did this campaign get sent? When I view the stats, the total sent is very close to campaigns that used the merged list. The problem I have in verifying this is that some subscribers could be in multiple lists and one of the lists contains nearly 40K subscribers where the others are less than 1k. (Note that I've always chosen the 40K subscriber list first. I will test selecting one of the smaller lists first but can't do that for another 10 days.)
Are you duplicating the campaign to send to multiple lists and then delete the merged list? In which case this is a long way around it. You can simply create the campaign for one list and then copy it and send to another, but people on different lists will get the email twice. However, if you change the subject line and send a few hours later to the other list it's unlikely to cause much of an issue unless the cross-over is huge.