API call to remove subscriber from blacklist?

Mike Darling

New Member
Is there a way to use the API to remove an email address from the blacklist? (or if not, how else can this be done programmatically and remotely?)

We have multiple clients where they provide their users "optin/outout" functionality through their own systems and we have that connected to mailwizz using the API. We synchronize the systems so that if an email is added to the blacklist it flags it on our clients' systems as well (which then causes the end user to see a prompt the next time they login that they need to re-verify their email address). The end users do so, but the problem is when that happens and we attempt to use the API to re-subscribe them it fails (because they are in the blacklist).

The solution seems to simply be to watch for that situation and then separate call the API to remove the email from the blacklist, then proceed with the initial call to re-subscribe the email to the list in question. However, there doesn't appear to be any API call for removing emails from the blacklist (presumably because that is an admin level activity vs. customer level in Mailwizz).

But otherwise... how do we solve this?

Currently it's actually preventing re-verification from even happening. Manually removing addresses from the blacklist isn't going to work as we're talking about very large databases and client systems. But right now if any of their end users simply have their mailbox fill up, or let's say their email is on their own custom domain and their server was down so it acted like the email address doesn't exist... all of these things (correctly) cause the address to be blacklisted. But in the cases where the end user CORRECTS the problem and then tries to verify again... we are stuck. MailWizz blocks it.
