API info


Where I can get mailwizz API documentation in order to integrate with other application ?
Especially the process how to add / remove user or change user status from active to inactive or the other round through API
Any idea how to generate API public and private at backend Area ? I want to integrate registration with other membership application.

Or probably can have unique public and private under administrator account?
The API targets the customers, so you generate the keys from customer account.
Also, for registration endpoint of the API, you don't need keys, you can make the calls without.
If it is possible to add/delete customers without any authentication ?
send me new docs on how to do it as I need integrate with other application. The add/delete account ( registration ) manage from 3rd party application

Only addition is possible, you don't want random people deleting your customers ;)
Here's an example on how to send a new customer to mailwizz via api https://github.com/twisted1919/mailwizz-php-sdk/blob/master/examples/customers.php.
Please note that when a customer is added via the API it is subject to the same rules as if he is subscribed from the web interface.


Hi twisted,

Question, how to get / generate public and private API key for administrator ? ( backend ), your sample still require API key. My integration almost finish, but stuck at API key.

So questions is the same - if it is possible to subscribe/unsubscribe customers and get list of lists using API without keys then please provide documentation for this.

The customers end point isn't protected by api keys, so you should not need to add them at all, just set up the api url and leave empty the publicKey and privateKey attributes.
If that fails, then generate a set of API keys for the first customer that you have created (the one created while the app installed) and try with those.
