That's how it is used inside the SDK library, so no connection.I'm using apiKey because that's what the configuration object is here:
Yeah, X-Api_key is the full header.After using 'find' in the doc, I didn't find Api-Key, but I just saw X-Api-Key here (introduction>authorization):
I am not familiar with that module, so I can't tell exactly what you need to use. Wait for their response and go from there.I'm using all 3 in the header, Api-Key, apiKey and X-Api-Key
Hello Clinton.
Thats possible and doable – many purchasers have achieved it.
However, as our module can be integrated with tons of third party services – we do not provide a guide for all of them, neither can offer custom task support (like connecting your service).
What you need to do in Webhooks module is to create the trigger when a Lead occurs and enter the URL to be notified (the one that MailWizz will give you). If you are having questions regarding the setup on MailWizz’s side, we strongly suggest that you open up a ticket with them.
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Format:
Request Headers (custom):
apiUrl = https://[your-mailwizz-domain]/api/index.php
X-Api-Key = [API Key]
Request Body:
EMAIL = @{lead_email}
FNAME = @{leads_first_name}
LNAME = @{leads_last_name}