Attack during Campaign?


Dont know if its an attack on my site but every time I send out my 100,000 email campaign there comes a time towards the end of the campaign that I get visited by a several amazon AWS servers at one time. I dont know if its a deliberate attack or if it has to do with me sending my emails using amazon. Here is a snapshot of the visited computers. I can see them coming because my chat widget alerts me of all my visits and I notice they are coming from Ashburn VA. When they do this it brings my CPU useage way up and I have to go into my sucuri firewall and block each ip.

See snapshot.


  • Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 8.14.07 PM.jpg
    Screen Shot 2018-02-28 at 8.14.07 PM.jpg
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Maybe is amazon just posting SNS requests as mailwizz subscribes to SNS Topics ?
Hmmmm. Dont know what that means. But this i know. My chat window is connected to my ecommerce site on a different server. My mailwizz server is on a totally different server. So im guessing that SNS thing has to go back to my Mailwizz server and not the my e-commerce site where i have the chat window installed.
You're probably getting a bunch of bots checking your emails for various reasons. Since real humans are not using Amazon IPs, it might be a good idea to block/redirect all traffic from Amazon IPs. You can easily run a google search and find a list the Amazon publishes of all their owned ranges.
You're probably getting a bunch of bots checking your emails for various reasons. Since real humans are not using Amazon IPs, it might be a good idea to block/redirect all traffic from Amazon IPs. You can easily run a google search and find a list the Amazon publishes of all their owned ranges.

Thanks. Once I find those ranges how would I block them?
If you are using trackers like GetCake, you can block the IP ranges there and those clicks will be filtered out.
If not, probably on the landing page you could block the IPs. Maybe someone with some technical knowledge could help us on this...
If you are using trackers like GetCake, you can block the IP ranges there and those clicks will be filtered out.
If not, probably on the landing page you could block the IPs. Maybe someone with some technical knowledge could help us on this...

I was told I can do it with IP tables being that I have a linode.