wrote 6 letters autoresponder, withstep in 5 days (http://prntscr.com/95z4ow)
but is only sent the first letter, since it has been almost 15 days.
althoughevery day Iimporta fewnew contacts.
the first letter I have these settings: http://prntscr.com/95z5qb
the second and subsequent have such settings: http://prntscr.com/95z67g
can not send second and subsequent emails associated with the setting "Include imported subscribers":"No"?
2. at what time starts autoresponder?
when you imported the subscriber? or when was created autoresponder?
wrote 6 letters autoresponder, withstep in 5 days (http://prntscr.com/95z4ow)
but is only sent the first letter, since it has been almost 15 days.
althoughevery day Iimporta fewnew contacts.
the first letter I have these settings: http://prntscr.com/95z5qb
the second and subsequent have such settings: http://prntscr.com/95z67g
can not send second and subsequent emails associated with the setting "Include imported subscribers":"No"?
2. at what time starts autoresponder?
when you imported the subscriber? or when was created autoresponder?