Autoresponders stopped working


Active Member
For some reason, autoresponders stopped working today, for my customers.

I went through and cleaned out all my customer accounts that were no longer paid customers. What I did was delete their accounts and servers but did not do anything with any of the current customers.

I see in my application log this error, below. It looks to be related to someone trying to unsubscribe but not sure if this helps.



2017/07/14 15:19:09 [error] [exception.CHttpException.404] exception 'CHttpException' with message 'The requested page does not exist.' in /home/...../public_html/email/apps/frontend/controllers/ListsController.php:962
There was no output for autoresponders and regular campaigns. But the regular campaigns are working.
There's no way to have no output. running it like above should show plenty output so that you'll know what is going on...
OK, something must have went wrong the first time. Here is the output:

[root@host public_html]# /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/..../public_html/email/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Loading 750 campaigns, starting with offset 0...
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Found 119 campaigns and now starting processing them...
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Since PCNTL is active, we will send 15 campaigns in parallel and for each campaign, 15 batches of subscribers in parallel.
OK, something must have went wrong the first time. Here is the output:

[root@host public_html]# /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/..../public_html/email/apps/console/console.php send-campaigns --verbose=1
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Loading 750 campaigns, starting with offset 0...
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Found 119 campaigns and now starting processing them...
[2017-07-17 23:27:14] - Since PCNTL is active, we will send 15 campaigns in parallel and for each campaign, 15 batches of subscribers in parallel.

This lacks all the sending log output.

Perhaps something was changed when you did your custom 'command'. Or you have other changes in the code elsewhere.

You could install a test version into another directory, this will take perhaps 15-30min incl a test email, and you will eliminate either the server or mailwizz as the source.
Thanks @twisted1919. I have been working with @frm.mwz all day to figure this out. Here is what we have done:
  1. Created a test install and the ARs worked
  2. Uploaded all extensions from my live site to the test install and ARs still worked (So it's not caused by extensions)
  3. There were a few MW files that were changed on my non-working version so we changed those back to the original contents and that did not fix it (so custom changes are not the problem)
FYI, the 'command' that @frm.mwz mentioned was for a different install so it's not relevant

I would like to avoid debug if I can because I have customers, so we are trying a few more things right now. But we will be doing that if we need to.

Any other ideas on what this could be? Could I have caused issues by deleting customers or servers?

I would like to avoid debug if I can because I have customers
Ok, let's try to avoid this.

Could I have caused issues by deleting customers or servers?
Nope, that should not be the case.

Any other ideas on what this could be?
Not quite atm, but i could ssh and run the command myself and see what's going on... if u agree, PM me the details, together with backend url and login to check a few more things.

I am traveling atm, so i am not sure when exactly i will be able to ssh but i'll try as soon as possible.