Backup won't run


Active Member
I'm using the MailWizz backup plugin. However, it keeps throwing the following errors:
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Starting the backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Checking to see if the storage directory exists...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The storage directory exists.
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The directory for this backup is: /home/xxx/public_html/backups/1464240598
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Checking to see if the directory for this backup exists...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The backup directory does not exists, trying to create it...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The backup directory has been created.
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Starting the database backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 06:01:34] - Database backed up successfully!
  • [2016-05-26 06:01:34] - Starting the file system backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 06:02:58] - Unable to backup the file system!
What is up?
I'm using the MailWizz backup plugin. However, it keeps throwing the following errors:
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Starting the backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Checking to see if the storage directory exists...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The storage directory exists.
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The directory for this backup is: /home/xxx/public_html/backups/1464240598
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Checking to see if the directory for this backup exists...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The backup directory does not exists, trying to create it...
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - The backup directory has been created.
  • [2016-05-26 05:29:58] - Starting the database backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 06:01:34] - Database backed up successfully!
  • [2016-05-26 06:01:34] - Starting the file system backup process...
  • [2016-05-26 06:02:58] - Unable to backup the file system!
What is up?

server log files?
@Lakjin - make sure the backup folder is not inside the public_html folder or inside mailwizz so that you backup the backup folder.
Most likely it is and that's why it fails.
@Lakjin - make sure the backup folder is not inside the public_html folder or inside mailwizz so that you backup the backup folder.
Most likely it is and that's why it fails.
The backup folder is in public_html but not in MailWizz. I'll try it again by moving it outside public_html, thanks.
@Lakjin - make sure the backup folder is not inside the public_html folder or inside mailwizz so that you backup the backup folder.
Most likely it is and that's why it fails.
After moving backup folder to outside of public_html, I get the same error.

FWIW, both before moving it out out public_html and after, the backup creates two files (application.tar.gz) and (database.sql) before throwing the error.
@Lakjin - this happens from the web interface or when the cron job runs ? Does any of the two works?
Maybe a permission issue on the files?
@Lakjin - this happens from the web interface or when the cron job runs ? Does any of the two works?
Maybe a permission issue on the files?
From the web interface. Where can I find documentation for the cron and how to run it from SSH?

I don't think it is a permission issue because the backup worked just fine 6 months ago. I think it may be because my backup is so large now, something is screwing up. I have a close to 60GB database.
I have a close to 60GB database.
That might be one issue. The web interface might not be suitable for this but the cron jib should have no issue.
The command that runs the backup is the daily command/cron job, so you can try to manually run that and see how it goes.
That might be one issue. The web interface might not be suitable for this but the cron jib should have no issue.
The command that runs the backup is the daily command/cron job, so you can try to manually run that and see how it goes.
I'm confused -- what daily command/cron? Are you talking about: /usr/bin/php-cli -q /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/apps/console/console.php daily -- how does that run a backup?

And I have plenty of space, no worries :-)
From the web interface. Where can I find documentation for the cron and how to run it from SSH?

I don't think it is a permission issue because the backup worked just fine 6 months ago. I think it may be because my backup is so large now, something is screwing up. I have a close to 60GB database.

you can dump the dbf from cli
as well as tar.gz the mwz path

re backup fail and dbf size, do you have one big innodb or what are you using?

and what do the server logs say?
@Lakjin - That command has a hook where extensions can hook into. The backup manager extension will hook in that and will run it's own routines every day when the daily command runs.
What the backup manager does is to run two shell commands that you can run yourself:
1. Backup the files:
tar -pczf app.tar.gz /var/www/html
( run tar -zxvf app.tar.gz to untar )
2. Backup the database
mysqldump -u DB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD DB_NAME > app.sql

So you can do it manually at any time.
@Lakjin - That command has a hook where extensions can hook into. The backup manager extension will hook in that and will run it's own routines every day when the daily command runs.
What the backup manager does is to run two shell commands that you can run yourself:
1. Backup the files:
tar -pczf app.tar.gz /var/www/html
( run tar -zxvf app.tar.gz to untar )
2. Backup the database
mysqldump -u DB_USER -pDB_PASSWORD DB_NAME > app.sql

So you can do it manually at any time.
So the backup *is* creating two files (application.tar.gz) and (database.sql) before throwing the error. But it isn't combining them into one and saving them as one file in the backup interface. How do I know the files are complete?
Okay, will do. Any way to combine them into one file?

as the dbf can be several gb big and packed then is also large
and the files of mwz are just about 30mb
you can see how inefficient unpacking is when you need the files more often
create New backup snapshot, but It does not cease completely.
Create dir eg: 1478866409: database.sql 1.93 GB and application.tar.gz 221 MB
and generates a separate: 1478866409.tar.gz (120.53 MB)

why the process is interrupted?
Cpanel PHP options: max_execution_time 120

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.