BASIC QUESTION: sendmail/SMTP/amazon ses etc...


New Member
Is there any advantage/disadvantage of using any of these for email delivery server?

I have a list of 20,000 - broken down into approx 10 x 2,000 lists - so each campaign will be to approx 2,000 recipients. Emails sent twice a month.

Have a dedicated server to run mailwizz.

Not really sure best way to go with this very basic setup... I have delivery server via sendmail at the moment.

Thanks for your patience with my question - appreciate any response.
@ian - Try to avoid using php-mail and/or sendmail, these are really the last things you will want to use for sending emails because they are terrible slow, like really really slow since each time an email is sent, a new instance of sendmail is spawned.

I personally would use a 3rd-party but amazon ses is very hard to setup, so i'd go with something like sparkpost / mailgun / sendgrid / elasticemail / etc.

If you have a smtp server on your dedicated server, you can try that as well. If you're using CPanel/Plesk it will be fine as they are already decently setup.