Best Smtp service for customer


I have a customer that wants me to send his emails. Which smtp provider do you recommend for someone who im not sure about his emails. I was gonna setup a sendgrid account for him unless anyone recommend someone else. NO AMAZON please. They are strict and I dont know about his list of 50k emails.
If you are not sure about Subscribers, then first try with Elastic and after that second campaign you can send using Sendgrid / Sparkpost / SES.
As said above, ElasticEmail is a good choice for the beginning, but most importantly, send rather slowly, to see how it goes. This way, you can stop early if necessary and ask them for cleaning/verification first (or help them with that too).
Thanks guys. My customers list is about 30,000. I will run it through bulkemailchecker before I do anything. Then I might do the elasticemail just for the 2nd clean then go to sendgrid. Is it worth getting the dedicated ip with sendgrid?
Is it worth getting the dedicated ip with sendgrid?
If your list is confirmed opt-in (double opt-in), clean, and your domain rep is good too, then your own IP will probably help you.
But if you list might not be clean, and not confirmed, and domain rep avg, then the crowd of shared IPs will be probably better.
So for unknown customer list quality, shared might be good to start with, and once it becomes clear what the nature of the beast is, you can decide where to take it ;)
If your list is confirmed opt-in (double opt-in), clean, and your domain rep is good too, then your own IP will probably help you.
But if you list might not be clean, and not confirmed, and domain rep avg, then the crowd of shared IPs will be probably better.
So for unknown customer list quality, shared might be good to start with, and once it becomes clear what the nature of the beast is, you can decide where to take it ;)

Thanks. That makes alot of sense.