blank emails hard bouncng and unable to delete


I have some emails showing as hard bounced but when I look at them then there is no email noted and when I check these entries to delete them then I am unable to do so because they dont delete..

please see attached image

any idea how I can get these removed please


  • blankemails.PNG
    43.4 KB · Views: 14
I have some emails showing as hard bounced but when I look at them then there is no email noted and when I check these entries to delete them then I am unable to do so because they dont delete..

please see attached image

any idea how I can get these removed please
Have you tried sending a test bounce to a non-existent address on your own server to see how that works? This could help you figure out which parts does not work.

Im not sure how sending a test bounce to a non existent email on my server will help.. I am getting proper bounce notifications but what im trying to figure our is why mailwizz is sending emails to blank email addresses (as you can see from the image the email field has nothing noted) when I check other bounced emails then I can see the email and the reason for the bounce.

I just want to remove these blank entries if I can.. Ive tried searching my lists but I cant find any names without emails or any empty email fields and each time im emailing I get these very same hard bounces.

why mailwizz is sending emails to blank email addresses (as you can see from the image the email field has nothing noted)
It is highly unlikely that it could even get to prepare an email to a blank email address, as it could not be sent.
It is more likely that for some reason the bounce report does not contain these 'blank' email addresses, because they were removed from that info string erroneously either before it reached mwz or thereafter. However, if you read closely, you will discover a hint in the last row of your screen shot, where it hints to typos or unnecessary spaces (ie malformed email addresses), so it might be advisable to do some list hygiene.
@Ahmed - Just login into that email box using your email client, and you'll there see all the bounced emails.
Open one, then take it's source(look for a "view source" button) and attach it here.
in the backend of the mailwizz app it says cron runing so im unable to edit the bounce server to confirm the details

I changed servers about 1-2 months ago but I believe the emails - logins etc were the same
ok i have just noticed that I have the bounce email and feedback loop email setup in the backend but not the customer account.. I always email from the customer account.. Do I need to setup the bounce servers on the customer account too?

After I add a bounce email it tells me to remember to assign it to a deliver server but when I go to deliver servers I see no way of assigning a bounce server
Ok i noticed that the bounce server was stuck on cron processing and found information about using emergency actions to reset the status to active - so thats what I done..

I then updated the passwords (just to make sure the email passwords were correct)
I then added both the feedback loop and bounce servers to my customer account (so now I have the same in backend and customer end) Im the only customer :-)

I then tried to figure out why I couldnt assign a bounce server to a delivery server and found out that its because im using the api's and they work with webhooks that directly link in with mailwizz (so glad I was using the api or I would have probably been banned)

My understading is that I dont need a bounce server because im using the api.. But I just want to be sure they have been setup correctly please

My understading is that I dont need a bounce server because im using the api
Yes, if you use the web api for sending then you do no tneed extra bounce servers for that delivery server.

For those that send via any other method they are needed. If you send and receive at the same address, then have the returning emails forwarded into an extra account, so you can work with them, as they are otherwise deleted by the bounce processor. Same goes for FBL. The forward happens before they reach the inbox, hence it is totally safe, none will get lost either way (not for bounce proc, not for own storage/reply/analysis).

If you associate a bounce server with a delivery server, that should stay so for both backend/customer, I thought.
If you send and receive at the same address, then have the returning emails forwarded into an extra account, so you can work with them, as they are otherwise deleted by the bounce processor..

Thanks for the reply

I dont understand what you mean by sending and receiving from same address - do you mean send from and reply to --if so then yes - i send from and have replies received at support@xyz but I dont get any bounce notifications etc to this address.. For bounces then I find out through the MailWizz dashboard
