Blank Unsusbcribe Page


New Member
Need some help. After configuring the whole system and testing the unsubscribe from an actual recipient account, I get a blank page under the /campaigns/ directory, this either with [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] or [UNSUBSCRIBE]

Any idea as to why these pages are not rendering/executing?

@Dan_D - Try to enable debug( ), it will tell you what's going on. Maybe it's just a missing file or the like.
Thanks for the quick reply. No errors show with debug on, not even the output, it's just a blank page. Same when previewing it from the list's subscribe and unsubscribe preview links. I've checked apache's error logs as well and there's nothing there either. I also regenerated the htaccess file, in case that could be the issue, to no avail.
@Dan_D - Could you please leave debug enabled and paste here the url of a white page ?
Keep in mind, if you enable debug properly you will see a lot of info in the footer of all pages. if you don't see that, debug is not enabled.
@Dan_D - Could you please leave debug enabled and paste here the url of a white page ?
Keep in mind, if you enable debug properly you will see a lot of info in the footer of all pages. if you don't see that, debug is not enabled.
Sure, here's the link for a generated [DIRECT_UNSUBSCRIBE_URL]:

Debug is on, I can see if from the backend and customer sides when navigating the corresponding admin pages.
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Thanks for the info. I lean towards an issue on the server since you cannot access anything frontend related, like or etc
Are you sure your .htaccess file doesn't contain anything else than what mailwizz requirements? Can you post it here so we can have a look?

Ha, so now it works :D
What did you do ?
Yes, it works now. Your previous reply pointed me in the direction of a missing index.php inside /maileradmin/ as I reviewed in detail the .htaccess and the public-html (cpanel) and both looked just fine. Only noticeable from the front-and side (subscriber) as I've been working in the back-end and client sides.

Thanks a lot for your support and quick replies. It should be smooth sailing for me from here on.
