Bounce Servers Best practices?

I'm new here. I'm learning a lot. I have many questions I couldn't find an answer for in any thread:
  1. As far as I understand, a bounce server it's just a simple POP/IMAP email server to which all bounced email are sent to. This works thanks to the Return-Path header. Right?
  2. I know by reading other threads that MandrillApp automatically manages bounces and - as MW is using Mandrill's API - whenever the right crontab starts, MW will sync those data and block those hard bounced email. Is this correct?
  3. I added many sending server (all the free ones, Mandrill, SendGrid, Mailgun, and so on). Is it OK to use just one bounce server for all them?
  4. Any side effect if I use Gmail (or any other free email service) as bounce server? Will this badly affect deliverability? syntethize: what are the best practices an expert would use in configuring bounce servers? :D
Thanks a lot,
I know see that all the API connected Delivery Servers (Mandrill, Elastic, etc...) doesn't need a Bounce Server. Does that mean that I really don't need it?
You only need a bounce server if you are running your own MTA (smtp server) or using the SMTP service of someone like Mandrill instead of the API. Where possible use the API as the preferred method.
Late(r) to the party but:
As far as I understand, a bounce server it's just a simple POP/IMAP email server to which all bounced email are sent to. This works thanks to the Return-Path header. Right?

I know by reading other threads that MandrillApp automatically manages bounces and - as MW is using Mandrill's API - whenever the right crontab starts, MW will sync those data and block those hard bounced email. Is this correct?
Same goes for all WEB API implementations from mailwizz, they work automatically via webhooks, no need for bounce servers/cron jobs for them.

I added many sending server (all the free ones, Mandrill, SendGrid, Mailgun, and so on). Is it OK to use just one bounce server for all them?

Any side effect if I use Gmail (or any other free email service) as bounce server? Will this badly affect deliverability?
Yes, don't use gmail/yahoo/free services as bounce servers because you will get blocked because checking for bounces too often ;)
Reviving the thread..I am a newbie for mailwizz. I just configured delivery server using mailgun API.
However, I am not sure what to use for bounce and tracking server.

Do I need to buy another subscription to mailgun or any other service to track data and handle bounce?
Reviving the thread..I am a newbie for mailwizz. I just configured delivery server using mailgun API.
However, I am not sure what to use for bounce and tracking server.

Do I need to buy another subscription to mailgun or any other service to track data and handle bounce?

see above, all web api (unless they have a field for bounce server) will handle the bounces for you at the service end (no need to configure bounce handling for that delivery server at mwz)

re tracking, if your account that you use for sending at mailgun has tracking, then you can use that, otherwise, use mwz tracking