Bouncing rates


What about the "bouncing limits" considered in the WarmUp processes ?

We're using old small lists from some of our sites at the same time that we're warming up new IP and new domain.

So question is:

Is it "okay" a bouncing rate of 3-4% in this process ? I know it's not, but we're using our own lists and need to update them.

Will Microsoft be the most high demanding as usual ?

using old small lists from some of our sites at the same time that we're warming up new IP and new domain
Better use own internal test list for first warmup step, then own best list for new IPs, even offer free sending to others who definitely have COI lists, as this will not harm your IPs. But the old lists better use on very good hot IPs, as additional traffic of low speed and low volume to minimize impact on IP rep, so e.g. 30-50/h perhaps.
We have some small clients sending to its own opt-in list still with sendy, we will move accounts to MailWizz and use our main IP for this, when IP has good reputation we will use one IP per client ;)