Campaign Mail Delivery


New Member
Dear Support team,

We created some customers to check the functionality of campaign .
Logged in to customer account, Under Campaign -> Regualar campaign

when we create the new campaign -> On confirmation screen we see field as Send at * -> this will logged in user time or server time needs to be selected.

As server and customer both are different location its difficult to understand which time should be selected.

Can you please confirm this ?

Thank you in advance.
Thanks Laurentiu.
How to debug why campaign mails are not send, campaign status is showing status as "Pending-sending" even the time has already passed.
Hi @Aniket
As per my experience you need to check few points
  • Send a test email if it goes or not. If No, you will get a error
  • You can check delivery server utilization
  • Customer sending limits
  • If test email goes well, debug it from the send mail cron jobs using
Hi Ashish, Thank you for the reply.
Cron job warning message was displayed as send campaign didn't executed in last 12 hours.

Re-install the cron , now able to receive the campaign mail.