Campaigns Merge (Multiple List) - So Slow....


Active Member

I usally send my campaigns out one by one for each list, but this time i thought id make life easier and just send the same campaign to multiple lists. How ever its taking for ever to merge the lists. For example its taking 2mins just to do 1% and thats just the first list meaning it will take 3hr and 30mins to just do the first list. the first list has 667381 subscribers, yet my other lists are much bigger 1,000,000+ in some of them.

I already have the PHP/MySQL Optimised, is this a standard speed or is it much quicker for everyone else? If its going to take 3hrs+ just to do the first list then i guess overall just for this campaign to start sending it will take over 24hrs. How do i cancel this process/merge as ill just send them out individually instead?


ok managed to cancel it by just going off the page. I noticed it created a new List which i have now deleted.

Is there not an easier way of MailWizz sending the emails to more than 1 list instead of having to create a list and Merge them all the time? Maybe a few options could be:

1) MailWizz duplicates everything in the campaign and creates new campaigns based on the number of lists selected. Each duplicate campaign will be assigned 1 list. That way it saves all the time having to wait for the new list to be created/merged. I understand its not ideal for those that want to view stats and instead of having them all together they would have to look at each one seperately. But surely MailWizz could be coded to grab stats from all those duplicates and combine them together right?

2) Whats the purpose of creating a new list/merging them together? Couldnt MailWizz just send a campaign out to multiple lists without doing that? I'm sure theres a good reason but i cant think what it could be as i dont think it would be the stats as id of thought stats would all go off the CampaignID.

If someone could explain that would be great.

Is there not an easier way of MailWizz sending the emails to more than 1 list instead of having to create a list and Merge them all the time?
This is something we fight with for a while now :-s We have had some solutions, but nothing promising.
1) MailWizz duplicates everything in the campaign and creates new campaigns based on the number of lists selected. Each duplicate campaign will be assigned 1 list. That way it saves all the time having to wait for the new list to be created/merged. I understand its not ideal for those that want to view stats and instead of having them all together they would have to look at each one seperately. But surely MailWizz could be coded to grab stats from all those duplicates and combine them together right?
Yup, this can be a way. Mailwizz could then merge the stats, so internally it would work like you suggested but in frontend people won't see this difference.
Other idea can be to create views out of the selected lists.
We tried both, not so good results so far.

2) Whats the purpose of creating a new list/merging them together? Couldnt MailWizz just send a campaign out to multiple lists without doing that?
Well, this is the question to ask ;)
The thing is mailwizz has been created with the idea that a campaign is a 1:1 match with a list, and everywhere in the code you will see this behavior and this really makes things very hard to correct at this time.
If i would have been inspired to think this part of the app a bit different 5 years ago... if only.
I have a few more things to try, but keep in mind that i have to take into consideration so many php versions/environments and a bunch of existing customers to whom i wouldn't like to break their apps :D
Maybe the list merge is not the best approach. Wouldnt be easier to just duplicate the Campaign for every selected list?
For example:
Start a new campaign and select multiple lists. When i press "send", MailWizz wiil duplicate the campaign for every list selected and send to the respective list.
With this beaviour we dont need to care about maintaining multiple merged list out of sync, there will be not headache with customers unsubscribtions, resources usage for merging big lists ecc.

The downside is that statistics will be splitted among the campaigns (but this is not necessary a downside, it would be good to see what list performs better), maybe we should have an option in the backend to turn on/off this functionality
i know that we can just duplicate the campaign by hand, but it will be easier for the users to have it automatic like i suggested.

Its time consuming to send the same campaign to, like, 10 different lists
I'd like to see something which will make it alot less time consuming but we will just have to wait and see if something comes along, im sure Twisted1919 is working hard and probably has more important things to fix/implement than this for the time being.

We'll just have to sit tight and wait till he has some free time to look into this more.