Can i trust this -> Tracking stats - Delivery rate


Question 1:
When my campaing says its 100% send, but postfix is still sending emails when i check,
tail -f /var/log/maillog.

What happens when i restart my mailserver, while mailwizz is still sending emails ?
Does it load that email list from cache and send all the remaining emails and send them ?

Edit: Maybe i should change to Ubuntu postfix (iredmail)
This CentOS 5 feels a bit error sensivitive, or is there any difference ?

ps.Does Wizz have setting how many times it will try to send email, if sending fails
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What happens when i restart my mailserver, while mailwizz is still sending emails ?
Mailwizz can't control your mail server, if you restart it and mailwizz tries to connect to it and it fails because it is down, mailwizz will retry 3 times and then it will give up marking the email sending as an error.

Above postfix log is like 1000 times on log :-D
I ahve never seen this error, not sure what it means.

Edit: Maybe i should change to Ubuntu postfix (iredmail)
This CentOS 5 feels a bit error sensivitive, or is there any difference ?
I am only working with centos (now with version 7) so i would say it is good enough.

ps.Does Wizz have setting how many times it will try to send email, if sending fails
It does yes, but internally only, you shouldn't mess with this, 3 times is more than enough ;)
Thanks for reply :)
I will install CentOS 7 or Ubuntu and test that out.
I was using older CentOS for Ip rotating but that is not needed.