Can't Save and Continue Campaign


New Member
My support expired, but this is my first question. I upgrade to MW version, and

1. See: error 500 Internal Server Error

2. Activate Debug Mode

define('MW_FORCE_DEBUG_MODE', true);

3. Show me Error

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/apps/common/vendors/Minify/min/lib/Minify/CSS/Compressor.php on line 124

4. I Increased max_execution_time = 30 to 60 on php.ini file

; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
; Note: This directive is hardcoded to 0 for the CLI SAPI
max_execution_time = 60

Not work, I have tried to save and continue, step 3, when you create a template, the system doesn't go further, I can't send a campaign, please help. Thank you
Hi twisted1919. Thank you for fast reply. I looking for, but not find yet, how can I disable minify ?

The logs show me a message, occur every day:

2016/07/05 00:30:01 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!
2016/07/05 00:40:02 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!
2016/07/05 00:40:02 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!
2016/07/05 00:50:02 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!

Is there relation if this issue ?

Thanks again.
Hi twisted1919. Thank you for fast reply. I looking for, but not find yet, how can I disable minify ?
In the template step of the campaign, you have a dropdown option for Minify: Yes / No. Put that to No.

2016/07/05 00:30:01 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!
This means the PHP version you are using in command line does not have the IMAP extension installed. You need to have your hosting look into it and enable it.
Yep. Solved. Thank you.

I use in portuguese language version.

But now I have another issue. I used to minify because works send a campaign to Gmail without clipping. I read other topics about that, that refer:

But I noted that even mailwizz custom templates that system send, have this issue , and minify solve this. Do you have the idea how can fix minify to work, or have another solution ?

Thank you. By the way, I customized some features, with tips in this forum, the system you created is the best.:-)