Change headers for list pages?

Rob Bruce

New Member
Sorry I imagine I'm just missing something quick and simple here. I have made a custom unsubscribe page and unsubscribe confirmation page. There seems to be some header being inserted automatically by MailWizz. I always have a blue bar at the top of the page that is not wanted or added by me.

How do I customize the full page or headers for these pages?

Also is there anyway to customize the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] tags... for other languages this campaign will be sent in french but MailWizz is in English and so is the submit button.

Thank you
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To customize the css of the page, you can either change the current skin or create a new skin-color.css file in home_folder/assets/css. If you create a new file, don't forget to enable it from Admin/Settings/Customization and select the new file in Frontend Skin field.

For the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] I have no idea. Was looking for the same thing....
That's translated using regular mailwizz translations ;)

Thank you for the reply... I want MailWizz to be in English but only one unsubscribe form in french for one campaign is that possible? It there a way to make a link to the by URL like the unsubscribe buttons? example... <a href="[SUBMIT_BUTTON_URL] ">Envoyer</a> so I can customize the page for the language of the campaign?
but only one unsubscribe form in french for one campaign is that possible? It there a way to make a link to the by URL like the unsubscribe buttons?
If you add the FR language in the app, then you can add in the url a query string param to force the usage of that language, i.e:
This will force the form to display the info in french.
If you add the FR language in the app, then you can add in the url a query string param to force the usage of that language, i.e:
This will force the form to display the info in french.

I have found the apps/common/messages/fr_ca directory for french and find the word unsubscribe in multiple places. I changed them and then add ?lang=fr to the URL for the unsubscribe form but it still just shows English. Do I need to clear caches for this to work? I'm trying to change the message of the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] tag. I changed the value of Unsubscribe in app.php and campaigns.php but that did not work.

Thank you.
Yes it's been there for some time... the language code is fr but I also tried with fr_ca. I see many php files created in apps/common/messages/fr_ca when I make changes I am changing the right hand side correct? I'm not 100% I changed the good files for the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] tag ? I changed app.php and campaigns.php

Thank you.
Yes it's been there for some time... the language code is fr but I also tried with fr_ca. I see many php files created in apps/common/messages/fr_ca when I make changes I am changing the right hand side correct? I'm not 100% I changed the good files for the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] tag ? I changed app.php and campaigns.php

Thank you.
After clearing caches, also hard reload the page in your browser or use another one.
Hi I cleared the caches with the command
/apps/console/console.php clear-cache --verbose=1

Still not working... can anyone confirm the language file used for the [SUBMIT_BUTTON] tag?