Character encoding - polish language


Active Member
In backend/customers/groups/update/id/1 in campaigns tab I added the the footer content. Something like this:
Wysłano za pomocą systemu NDB.
Zgłoś SPAM.

After sending the campaign in email message I see:
Wysłano za pomocą systemu NDB.
Zgłoś SPAM.

Where I can find the encoding setting for this item?


Could you send me a copy of the email source via PM ?
It's weird because mailwizz is fully utf8 compliant, so not sure what's happening.

Other characters are having issues? What if you add some in the template body itself, same issues?

Let me know.
Quick question, if you view the campaign in your browser, you can see the characters fine or the same problem ?
Hmm, if it shows fine in browser, then i don't see why the email client would not display it properly.
I know you are sending with Mandrill Web API, do you think you can send same email via a SMTP server having swiftmailer as the default mailer in mailwizz?
Also, when you look into your mandrill account at the email (Outgoing tab) the characters are fine?
Regarding your email client where you see this email, what client are you using? Did you try sending to something like gmail or yahoo?

Let me know.
Hmmm, I thik i'm found a problem. In email footer (here: backend/customers/groups/update/id/1 in campaigns tab) I added [CAMPAIGN_REPORT_ABUSE_URL] tag. When I remove this tag and send campagain again problem has gone.
Pretty weird, it would help if you would test in the above scenario that i posted.
But i'll have a look at this in the code to see what might be wrong.
Hi @twisted1919,
Also, when you look into your mandrill account at the email (Outgoing tab) the characters are fine?
it is strange but Mandrill say to me:

Regarding your email client where you see this email, what client are you using? Did you try sending to something like gmail or yahoo?
In Mail on OSX, Fastmail web client, Gmail and Yahoo web - the same situation

I know you are sending with Mandrill Web API, do you think you can send same email via a SMTP server having swiftmailer as the default mailer in mailwizz?
You mean any SMTP server? On my machine, on which stands MailWizz I do not have SMTP.