Confirmation Email from Company Email


How could I setup the Confirmation Email to have the FROM field the email of the Company?? and not the System Administrator email?
Captura de Tela 2015-04-08 às 14.13.19.png
if (is_object($object) && $object instanceof Lists && !empty($object->default)) {
                $params['fromName'] = $object->default->from_name;
                $params['from']     = array($object->default->from_email => $object->default->from_name);
                $params['sender']   = array($object->default->from_email => $object->default->from_name);
                $params['replyTo']  = array($object->default->from_email => $object->default->from_name);
                $customer_id = $object->customer_id;
                $fromEmail   = $object->default->from_email;
So it should use your list defaults as you have set them in your list settings.
Hi, but when I send a test email it is not going like that!!! Just the FROM NAME is correct.....the FROM EMAIL is my administrator email.
Maybe is because I'm in impersonification mode??
Okay so you say the error comes for a confirmation email and you have posted a test campaign ?
What's the deal with this ?
I think we're on to something, is there any chance you can provide me full headers from that email ?
If so, PM me with them ;)