Delivery issues again.


Hi I just updated Mailwizz to the latest version to be compliant with GDPR.
No changes have been made to delivery servers appear to be valid and active (these are just the delivery servers
Unfortunately when I try to send a test email I get the delivery disabled message
This happened already but, even in that case, the delivery worked before and stopped working for no apparent reason.
Is there a way to prevent this happening and solve this specific issue?
I don't know what to do when all servers appear to be active.
I checked the 6 cases and none of them seems to apply.
As I mentioned all servers are active, there are no restrictions on the server account, and all users have this limitation.
The other time you found some server setting, but now it should be solved and nothing has been changed.
What can I do at this point?
Please let me know as this is quite annoying.
Thanks a lot
@Carlo - Backend > Misc > PHP INFO. What version are you using? Searching in that page after "disable_functions", what is the value ?
Nice! Now, taje a look at your cron jobs in cpanel, they start with something like: /usr/bin/php or /usr/local/bin/php. take that and run it from command line with the -v flag, so if your cron jobs start with /usr/local/bin/php, run: /usr/local/bin/php -v
And paste here the result.
MMMM you can't remember but a couple months ago all the cronjobs were edited by you and nobody changed them.
Anyway something seems wrong: If I run /usr/local/php71/bin/php-v or /usr/local/php71/bin/php-cli-v I get the NO SUCH FILE ERROR (see result
These are all the cron

Thanks for your help.
That looks good (obviously, if it was made by me:P)
Open a support ticket so i can have a look. include backend url and login