Delivery Servers with Customer Groups


Hi All,
I'd like to separate the delivery servers that each customer group uses.
Each customer group should have two delivery servers, one for sending campaigns (sent from and one to send all other emails (sent from

When I setup the server to "campaigns" and the server to "all", and I assign both to the customer group, campaigns send emails using the "all" server. However, I'd like them to send emails using the "campaigns" server.

If I try to solve this by changing the server type of the "all" server to "transactional emails", I can no longer assign it to a customer group (it no longer appears as an option within the customer group settings). Same goes for "email tests" server type.

How do I set this up correctly?

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However, I'd like them to send emails using the "campaigns" server.
Well, since the ALL also means Campaigns, this is why the app sends campaigns via this too, so i am not sure there's a clean way to achieve what you are after :-s
It is a common practice for some companies to send marketing email via one subdomain and transactional via another subdomain. It would be great to be able to do this.

This could easily be solved if I could add "transactional" and "email tests" server types to customer groups, as right now I can only add "campaign" and "all" types of server. Another solution is if I could prioritize the "campaign" server over other servers. Is there any way to do one of these things?
his could easily be solved if I could add "transactional" and "email tests" server types to customer groups, as right now I can only add "campaign" and "all" types of server.
Makes sense, i'll do so for next release.

Meanwhile, open /apps/backend/controllers/Customer_groupsController.php and look for:
$criteria->addInCondition('use_for', array(DeliveryServer::USE_FOR_ALL, DeliveryServer::USE_FOR_CAMPAIGNS));
And remove it. It's in 2 places.

That should do what you are after.
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That worked! Thanks!!

I request that this change (where all server types are now accessible, not just transaction and email tests), be the one that makes it into the next update. This way I can mix and match if needed later, as I've already discovered that I need another delivery server for list emails.