Documentation for setup?

Pat Friedl

I've seen some videos for MailWizz on YouTube that are very much out of date and that's about it for documentation. Is there any step by step guide for setting up Amazon SES with MailWizz?

I need explanations of the fields - is the from email the same for every single account? Is it the same for the sending domain? Does that mean I have to set up SES for every potential customer?

Any help would be appreciated. I'm going to be using the app for my own email marketing, but I want to also set this up for local business clients as well. Any help or documentation would be much appreciated.
@Pat Friedl - I am planning to renew all the videos just after this whole fuss with the new version.
Meanwhile, you don't have to setup ses for every customer. You just do it once and all the customers can sent through it. The only thing is the FROM email which will be set to the one from the delivery server settings. If you need distinct FROM, then best is to create another delivery server with that given "from" address.
What about bounce and feedback loop servers? I've verified domains and emails on Amazon SES, and for the domain, they have a setting for an MX record that needs to be added.

Do I ignore this and setup the bounce according to the youtube video, or if I'm using SES, do I just set up the delivery server, and MailWizz handles the rest? And how can I confirm my settings are correct?
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Yes, setup as per video its perfect.

Mailwizz handle the rest.

You can run a test campaign with few wrong email id also, so you will see that bounce will back via api.
Ok, so I don't need to set up the MX records or anything else?

I logged into SNS, and see only one subscription for MailWizz, so I'm assuming everything is set up correctly. Sorry, I just want to make sure that things are set up properly. I'm about to import a 20k+ list and want to start sending, but don't want penalties and unhandled bounces.
Absolutely. I'm setting up a list of about 10 of my own emails and a couple bogus emails for bounce testing. Thanks for the help!
sorry, once more question - how long does it take to process bounces? I added a bogus GMail ( and a non existent email on our own server ( and they don't seem to have bounced. The bogus GMail account is showing a status of "blacklisted" though.
Last question for the day (I hope). If I bulk import a list, will MailWiz send out a confirmation email or silently add them to the list? I'm migrating from Sendy with an already confirmed list, so I'd rather not freak people out with an additional confirmation.
Will the next version of MW allow customer specified "from" addresses as long as they verify a domain?

I set up a customer and added the domains and verified them with the DKIM records, and the from address on a test still shows the from address from the system sending server.
I set up a customer and added the domains and verified them with the DKIM records, and the from address on a test still shows the from address from the system sending server.
You can change this by setting the Force FROM option to Never in the delivery server settings.