Email Deliverability Issue.


New Member
I have launched my B2b email marketing Campaigns But there open rates are very low below 1%. When I launched a test campaign on my email address 9 out of 1 email land in inbox only. Even I have attached a Amazon SES server. Please Guide me how I can improve my deliverability. Thank you.
I have launched my B2b email marketing Campaigns But there open rates are very low below 1%. When I launched a test campaign on my email address 9 out of 1 email land in inbox only. Even I have attached a Amazon SES server. Please Guide me how I can improve my deliverability. Thank you.
To exactly identify the issues, we advice you to use one of the emails generated by in one of your lists and send an actual campaign to it. Then check the mail-tester link and solve the found issues.
I have checked it on the mail tester already and getting 10/10 score but still emails lands in spam folder. How I can fix this issue?
Each mail recipient servers may have a different criterion to allow emails to inbox. Since you are sending from Amazon SES, many will put that as SPAM as there is much spam from there. It is also the reputation of your domain name and IP address. More emphasis on the domain name.

Sign up for Google Postmaster and see what they are saying about your email.