Email Delivery Problem - Test is working


New Member

I have some strange problem.

when i verify the SMTP, i get the emails and while i am in the campaign, the Test Works and i get the email

when i run the campaign, i dont receive any email.

Logs are:
Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] (code: 0)

ever seen such a problem? my mailwizz version: 1.4.3
Connection not established host seems to be something up with the port. Are you using port 25 or 587? TLS or STARTLS? Try changing the port and see. If this doesn't works.

Try verifying the server with the e-mail id from which you need to dispatch e mails. If the error presists, make sure your SMTP details are all good and the server is working fine. If you are on shared server, things might differ.

A screenshot can from your end can be helpful in regards to the error.
the settings are correct. when i verify server i get emails. when i send test emails i get them. only when i launch a campaign i dont get them.
i tried changing ports. same thing
Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] (code: 0)
These logs are specific to what @David Henry says, basically mailwizz cannot connect to your smtp server for whatever reason.

when i run the campaign, i dont receive any email.
Is the campaign marked as sent eventually?

Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] Log data: ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host ** [Connection timed out #110] (code: 0)
Do you see this error for all the emails that go out ? (Backend > Misc > Campaign Delivery logs).
@twisted1919, Is the campaign marked as sent eventually? Yes it is showing sent.

i solved the issue by restarting Bind/DNS server. now everything is working fine.

last question, how can i get charts? i dont see charts when i go to stats.
last question, how can i get charts? i dont see charts when i go to stats.
You can view the stats inside the customer/backend dashboards and/or in the campaign overview. It sometimes takes a bit for stats to gather, so give it some time.
the Direct method for transactional emails worked for me. I think the method of transactional sends emails only if you have the pricing thing on. The direct method sends directly and no customer should be attached to the server.
