Emojis in subject, sender name and content of email


Greetings everyone!

I would like to know if anyone got this question solved on his own side, because from my side there are only "hardcoded" and half-correct solutions which cause my subject field complete itself with "?" after the subject.

Is it possible to make changes in MySQL structure in next MW release so it can work properly with emojis?
@imeow - i am working on implementing this for upcoming version.
The right solution at this moment is this:
1. Run this sql against your db:
ALTER TABLE `mw_campaign` CHANGE `subject` `subject` VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
2. open apps/common/config/main.php and in the block:
'db' => array(
    'connectionString'      => '{DB_CONNECTION_STRING}',
    'username'              => '{DB_USER}',
    'password'              => '{DB_PASS}',
    'tablePrefix'           => '{DB_PREFIX}',
    'emulatePrepare'        => true,
    'charset'               => 'utf8',
    'schemaCachingDuration' => MW_CACHE_TTL,
    'enableParamLogging'    => MW_DEBUG,
    'enableProfiling'       => MW_DEBUG,
    'queryCacheID'          => 'cache',
    'initSQLs'              => array(
        'SET time_zone="+00:00"',
        'SET NAMES utf8',
        'SET SQL_MODE=""',
    ), // make sure we stay UTC and utf-8,
    'autoConnect'           => true,
Replace utf8 with utf8mb4 then save.

Now you can do emoji ;)
@imeow - i am working on implementing this for upcoming version.
The right solution at this moment is this:
1. Run this sql against your db:
ALTER TABLE `mw_campaign` CHANGE `subject` `subject` VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
2. open apps/common/config/main.php and in the block:
'db' => array(
    'connectionString'      => '{DB_CONNECTION_STRING}',
    'username'              => '{DB_USER}',
    'password'              => '{DB_PASS}',
    'tablePrefix'           => '{DB_PREFIX}',
    'emulatePrepare'        => true,
    'charset'               => 'utf8',
    'schemaCachingDuration' => MW_CACHE_TTL,
    'enableParamLogging'    => MW_DEBUG,
    'enableProfiling'       => MW_DEBUG,
    'queryCacheID'          => 'cache',
    'initSQLs'              => array(
        'SET time_zone="+00:00"',
        'SET NAMES utf8',
        'SET SQL_MODE=""',
    ), // make sure we stay UTC and utf-8,
    'autoConnect'           => true,
Replace utf8 with utf8mb4 then save.

Now you can do emoji ;)
Awesome! Thank you!
Is the emoji issue still at play with the latest version of MailWizz? I already noticed the emoji tray.

It would be great if someone can confirm that there is no longer any emoji issue where we have to do some database changes.

Hello twisted,

How are you? As you suggested we made the changes in the database and php files. Most of emojis are showing properly, but we have a client that want to use fire emoji:

When we put this emoji to subject and save, we see:
???? TITLE EMAIL ????

The same happend in test & campaing. Sory but we can find a reason, the format of fire emoji is similar to others emojis that show properly, like:
⏰ or

Thanks a lot !!!
@twisted1919, I've seen that on Mac OS the emojis work perfectly :) but on Windows 7, 8, 10 the emojis doesn't show all emojis & gives blank square blocks.

Looking for your support! Thanks :)