Error 404! Unable to resolve the request


New Member
Unable to resolve the request "backend/settings/index".


Just installed the script after enabling the " use clean urls" I am getting this error on all pages/options. Please help.
Unable to resolve the request "backend/settings/index".
Using clean urls, implies you add the generated rewrite rules on your server. You can see the rules when you enable clean urls and click "Generate .htaccess".
If you missed them, they are also explained as follows:
For apache:
For NGinx
So apply the right one for your server.

Additionally, you can put index.php in your urls to reach the settings page and disable clean urls.
So if your mailwizz is located at http://mailwizz.test/ just go to http://mailwizz.test/backend/index.php/settings/index and disable clean urls and then save the changes, then manually go to http://mailwizz.test/backend/index.php/settings/index again.