error validating a SMTP server! Help


I am trying to add my newly configured server to mailwizz but getting the following error!

  • Here is a transcript of the error message:
  • Connection could not be established with host [php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known #0]
    Log data:
    ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport
    !! Connection could not be established with host [php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known #0] (code: 0)

Any ideas on what is wrong?

Is the correct hostname?
Can you ping it from command line?
Have you double checked your DNS setup?
Is it possible to establish a connection from another program with the settings you have used?
Is the correct hostname?
Can you ping it from command line?
Have you double checked your DNS setup?
Is it possible to establish a connection from another program with the settings you have used?

Thats my prob, I do not know how to find the my hostname.
from CLI i tried the it via MX command it gave some DNS timeout error
Thats my prob, I do not know how to find the my hostname.
from CLI i tried the it via MX command it gave some DNS timeout error
Then perhaps question #3 applies, check your DNS setup, and once fixed, you can do the rest, then come back with remaining problems.
Then perhaps question #3 applies, check your DNS setup, and once fixed, you can do the rest, then come back with remaining problems.
hmm by dns setup if you mean all the records. nameservers and all? yes I think I have set them up all fine as I got 10/10 on mail tester.

Can you elaborate this a bit? thanks a lot
It would be easier to get to the bottom of this if you could please answer in detail the questions in
and additionally, try the command 'hostname' as well.
You could also post a screenshot of all mail-tester output (ie all boxes maxed).
Thx ;)
I have created a ticket too and twisted is assisting me with this issue :)

Sorry, but I saw you questions and left it as I said I do not know my hostname so can't tell if its right or not
about the other DNS questions it seems they are setup correctly and twisted also had a look and he also verified that DNS seems okay..

The error is in some login info of smtp, he told me to recheck and reset the SMTP login.

hmm I tried to recheck score via mail-tester now it shows error.

Thanks for the help :)
Where can I change my SMTP login?
Where you setup the smtp, there you can change the pwd and usually also get all settings for the smtp to setup the delivery server.

is it possible via phpmyadmin?
Technically yes, but that is rather unusual and oft only used to reset the admin pwd if all else fails. For the normal way see the answer above.

is smtp info stored there?
Yes, it is stored there, but encrypted.

I found the new pass for the smtp and it seems the test mails are working now but
So the test emails are indeed arriving in your inbox or what do you mean by 'seems'?

Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "" using 3 possible authenticators
Try SSL/465 or TLS/587.

Please give as much detail as possible, otherwise help might be impossible.

I set up the SMTP via command line lol, yes I have all the info that are needed to set up as delivery server.

I see, so I'll just reset the smtp pass.

I tried the test mail on the mail tester email(got 10/10 again)... and also tried my gmail too it didnt come in inbox though got it in spam...

tried with SSL and TLS but now getting 100s of errors lol :/
Can you please post a full screen shot of all this mail test with all boxes open?

If the above works, where is this coming from:

Also, please post a screen shot of that.

I would post but I am a bit worried that i would have to blur lots of things as I am not sure if its okay to post my ips and domain on a public forum and I am a noob in server admin so if anything happens i would't know what to do lol :p maybe im just being paranoid?

also I think I didnt tell you that that server has interspire installed already but I want to use its SMTP only on mailwizz so inside the interspire I tried sending all these test mails and are working fine, but getting error when adding this server as SMTP on mailwizz... I hope you get a clear picture now?
I would post but I am a bit worried that i would have to blur lots of things as I am not sure if its okay to post my ips and domain on a public forum and I am a noob in server admin so if anything happens i would't know what to do lol :p maybe im just being paranoid?

also I think I didnt tell you that that server has interspire installed already but I want to use its SMTP only on mailwizz so inside the interspire I tried sending all these test mails and are working fine, but getting error when adding this server as SMTP on mailwizz... I hope you get a clear picture now?

well, of course, always black-out anything that you want to keep private!

that you have more than one mailer and used it for certainly pertinent info...which would have been good to have...


Issue solved :)
Superman twisted came to rescue again :D

thanks all :)

and of course with access it can be resolved.
