export large csv


New Member
How do I export my csv file
1000000 rows 50 Mb
Example entry:
email, firstname, lastname
"mail@gmail.com", "Jon", "Dou"
"2mail@gmail.com", "Jon", "Dou"

I tried
mailwizz/apps/console/console.php listexport --list_uid=yl5793ayh46ac --folder_path=/opt/MAILDB
mailwizz/apps/console/console.php list-export --list_uid=yl5793ayh46ac --folder_path=/opt/MAILDB
does not work, scrypt says "Your list has no subscribers to export!"

or tell sql query to transfer data from my database in the database mailwizz
Thank you

ps sorry for my bad english
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@the4gamblers - Ah, so actually you have them in another system and you wnat them imported in mailwizz.
have you tried the Database import feature from mailwizz? It will allow you to connect to the phplist database and import the subscribers directly from there.
Look at https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/how-do-i-import-subscribers/ but instead of CSV select Database/SQL.

IS it possible to run the database/sql from console.php cli?
because when i tried the database/sql option, it opens in browser but connection might die so cli is preferred.
@Leo El - Not for now, but export csv from your database and import that from command line.
Is there a way to detect the sql query that gets passed to transfer the database? Maybe i can run it manually but then detach or disconnect from the ssh session and leave it running in the background.
@Leo El - this is not specific to mailwizz but to mysql, the database which powers it, so you can get more help using it's docs.
i still think the csv is best option, mostly because mysql can easily export to csv.
IS it possible to run the database/sql from console.php cli?
because when i tried the database/sql option, it opens in browser but connection might die so cli is preferred.
I you run sql cli you will get blazing speed (ie without php), but better test your queries to avoid havoc ;)
I you run sql cli you will get blazing speed (ie without php), but better test your queries to avoid havoc ;)
Thanks for the commend, but how are you running sql cli? am not talking about importing a mw.sql .. am talking about importing via sql/database like mysql -uuser -p -d mw , select * table, insert into mw .. type of query.... I have a couple of mill contacts and the importing is too slow and if it shut down, it doesnt resume from where it left of
but how are you running sql cli?
just go into the sql console and there you can run the sql commands

am not talking about importing a mw.sql .. am talking about importing via sql/database like mysql -uuser -p -d mw , select * table, insert into mw .. type of query
as the subs need to be added to the subscribers table, you can see the structure there and derive your sql commands from that

a couple of mill contacts and the importing is too slow
perhaps wait for the next version then, or split it up yourself into smaller chunks

if it shut down, it doesnt resume from where it left of
for such case, design the command to keep running in the background even if the terminal connection is interrupted
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just go into the sql console and there you can run the sql commands

as the subs need to be added the subscribers table, you can see the structure there and derive your sql commands from that

perhaps wait for the next version then, or split it up yourself into smaller junks

in such case, design the command to keep running in the background even if the terminal connection is interrupted
Well i must tip my hat off to everyone here at mailwizz, I am very impressed with the software ant dont regret spending the $$$ on it, worth every penny.

BTW, Whats the ETA on the next version? if you know, thank you.
we will do a maintenance release this week. we wanted to do it last week but something occurred and didn't get the chance.