Extension hacking question


New Member

I'm not a developer by trade but want to get started playing with creating extensions for MailWizz.

The first thing I want to do is create an extension which adds an additional email blacklist check based on domain (instead of adding them all as regular expressions, one by one). I know I want to borrow a lot from the existing email blacklist functionality in terms of UI but i'm not quite sure where I want to override and add this additional call without shooting myself in the foot by creating something which doesn't work with future versions of Mailwizz and limited performance.

I have downloaded the existing extension example and have started to poke around in this but still not exactly sure how to get started down this path.

Would anyone care to share some pointers on approach to this?

I'm not a developer by trade but want to get started playing with creating extensions for MailWizz.

The first thing I want to do is create an extension which adds an additional email blacklist check based on domain (instead of adding them all as regular expressions, one by one). I know I want to borrow a lot from the existing email blacklist functionality in terms of UI but i'm not quite sure where I want to override and add this additional call without shooting myself in the foot by creating something which doesn't work with future versions of Mailwizz and limited performance.

I have downloaded the existing extension example and have started to poke around in this but still not exactly sure how to get started down this path.

Would anyone care to share some pointers on approach to this?

From the extension example you mentioned you downloaded you can derive a few search phrases which will yield more sample results from the forum ;)
@Souther - This will sound like a promotion, but i don't intend it like so...
The BulkEMailChecker/EmailListVerify/Kickbox extensions do same things you are after, they hook in the same places where you'll need to hook into, so maybe you can use one of them as example...
@Souther - This will sound like a promotion, but i don't intend it like so...
The BulkEMailChecker/EmailListVerify/Kickbox extensions do same things you are after, they hook in the same places where you'll need to hook into, so maybe you can use one of them as example...

Exactly what I hoped for... Will dig into these. Thanks!
OK, so buying a $20 extension lead me to the answers I needed to solve this question. Is there a master list of the "events" which a filter can be added for? Sorry if i'm not using the terminology correctly... I'm a hack at best :-)
@Souther - I have to compile a list with all the available actions/filters where you can hook into, but you can search the app for:
These search phrases will reveal everything ;)