Fileter emails that are listed on more than one list


Using the toggle filters form, is there a way for me to list emails that are listed on more than one list. There are times when I email both of those lists and dont want the subscriber to get emailed twice.

The unique filter won't be enough for this as it discards the duplicate and shows just one email if there are many.
Bottom line is that we cannot do this as of now.
my above post answers the second sentence/question of @Eric535's post, to email only unique, not multiple, as this was the goal of that second part.

for the first one you may need a staged approach to deduct one list from another, and if you have more than two, the order may result in different intermediate results. that part cannot be done as of now in mwz, but you may find tools to do that.
Thanks to all you guys. I think Im going about it in the wrong way. I should of just asked how do I remove a duplicate between two lists. Instead I assumed it had to be done through the toggle filters form. WRONG. I think I found the option in the sync tool. Can you guys verify that this will do the trick. See snapshot.


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how do I remove a duplicate between two lists
If you do it via sync it will change the lists. And it sounded as if you did not want that, but just email all unique subs from both lists.

If you just want the result of "no dupes" then the filters form via unique and export will give you the list of unique subscribers across both lists.
If you do it via sync it will change the lists. And it sounded as if you did not want that, but just email all unique subs from both lists.

If you just want the result of "no dupes" then the filters form via unique and export will give you the list of unique subscribers across both lists.

You're right about changing the list. I did a test on two lists and the other list got zeroed out. But it did delete the dupe.

I guess I just have to get into the whole exporting deal. I been trying to avoid it lol. So once I export this list. I guess im going to have to make a new list and import these unique subscribers correct? What happens if they unsubscribed at one point. Just seems like alot of work. I would rather just do it in MS Access and connecting to the Databases directly.
You're right about changing the list. I did a test on two lists and the other list got zeroed out. But it did delete the dupe.

I guess I just have to get into the whole exporting deal. I been trying to avoid it lol. So once I export this list. I guess im going to have to make a new list and import these unique subscribers correct? What happens if they unsubscribed at one point. Just seems like alot of work. I would rather just do it in MS Access and connecting to the Databases directly.
You could try something in phpMyAdmin, it has triggers and routines there, but it is a bit fiddly til fully scripted.
One other thing that just crossed my mind is: create a list #3, and sync #1 and afterward #2 into it, then the sync will do what you want, and without much ex/import/etc ;)
You could try something in phpMyAdmin, it has triggers and routines there, but it is a bit fiddly til fully scripted.
One other thing that just crossed my mind is: create a list #3, and sync #1 and afterward #2 into it, then the sync will do what you want, and without much ex/import/etc ;)

Im gonna try the sync 3-1-2. Makes sense. If it doesnt work. I will just connect to mysql with access and i will get'er done like that. Much easier for me :)

Thanks for all your help.