Free package an payment gateway


New Member

I setup a free package and Stripe gateway, but customers can't select the package.

1. For a free package i don't care about a payment gateway. Can it be removed for free packages?
2. If stripe is selected a error message is returned that it's an invalid positive integer. Which is true for $0 price.

// Sylvester
The offline method is not an option BTW. As i don't want to offer that payment option for a real package.
You can't use the payment gateway method for free accounts. In order to do that you create a group which you set the quotas for and then assign new customers to that group. You can set the sending limits and time for that group.

Backend > Customers > Groups > New Group > Sending tab.
At the moment they would have to request it and you can re-assign them to a free group. I know that the payment workflow is going to be worked on in the future.
Perfect.. Well, right now i'm just testing if this could be a replacement for our Interspire solution.
It does need a bit of work, but i believe it could be. :)