Gmail Bounce Rule


I just realized that bounce rule in application is based on smtp return code which results wrong reports most of time. For example if we see following gmail return code -

5.7.1 (delivery not authorized),"smtp;550 5.7.1 Our system has detected that this message is likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail, this message has been blocked. Please visit for more information

Above code shows that this is a hard bounce based on smtp code 550 and exactly mailwizz record this bounce into system as hard bounce.

Question is that can we change / edit / alter bounce rule ?
Can we add custom bounce rule ?

All suggestions are appreciated.
@171mails - With latest version of the app the above should not apply anymore, instead of a hard bounce, they will be marked as internal bounces.
I'm using (last build I think)
All my "5.7.1 Message content rejected" bounces are still flagged as "Hard bounce" and automatically blacklisted.
It's not only Gmail but other providers (french ISP) that use this bounce code to say "I think you are a spammer".
But those emails are valid, so it's not good to blacklist them.

Is there a way to flag the "5.7.1 bounce" as "soft bounce" or "Internal bounce" and not as hard bounce to be blacklisted ?
Thanks in advance.