group quotas are reset when moving.


when a user is moved from group to group, the often sent value becomes 0, I often noticed it earlier, and now again.
Where can I change the value of the user how many letters he sent.

How can this situation be avoided?
--- I can say for sure that this user moved in groups with the same limit of letters in the same period of actions.
This is the expected behavior, new customers added to the groups will start from 0.
What do new customers mean?
The old client with a limit of already sent letters 4500 out of 70,000 selected were transferred to a group with the same settings, after which its limit became 0 out of 70,000 dedicated ones.

Even so, why then is it from 2 clients out of 20?
and there was 1 time for the whole week?

Where do I change the value?
I do not understand for what reason, 2 out of 3 values returned to the normal limit.
This bug scares me