Handling "Please unsubscribe me!" through one main pop account with Email Box Monitor

Hello guys,

As most of you I end up having to deal with receiving emails from people who wants to unsubscribe. The dreaded "Campaign-Uid:np893dtc4564a / Subscriber-Uid:he8615ak2bcf5 - Unsubscribe request" with a body message of "Please unsubscribe me!"

Now I can not use a regular pop email box monitor for each of my "from" address as I'm using Fastmail aliases so I don't really have pop access to every single "from" alias.

Question :

Can I use this workflow :
- People unsubscribe and I received "Please unsubscribe me!" emails to my various Fastmail aliases.
- From fastmail, I collect all these emails and forward them to a central pop3 account one by one
- This central pop3 account will be used with Email Box Monitor, using the settings "How to identify subscribers *" = By subscriber UID
=> with these settings, will MW parse the forwarded message and look for the UID?? (which will be part of the forwarded email title, e.g. title will be "Campaign-Uid:np893dtc4564a / Subscriber-Uid:he8615ak2bcf5 - Unsubscribe request")

=> will this work?? Or is MW Email Box Monitor NOT able to handle these forwarded messages?

Did you ever get this figured out? I'm getting a ton of these and I don't understand why because, isn't the unsubscribe url supposed to take care of these and unsubscribe automatically?
In /apps/console/commands/SendCampaignCommand.php around line 1285:

// since
$listUnsubscribeHeaderEmail = '';
if (!empty($campaign->reply_to)) {
$listUnsubscribeHeaderEmail = $campaign->reply_to;
if ($_email = $customer->getGroupOption('campaigns.list_unsubscribe_header_email', '')) {
$listUnsubscribeHeaderEmail = $_email;
if (!empty($listUnsubscribeHeaderEmail)) {
$_subject = sprintf('Campaign-Uid:%s / Subscriber-Uid:%s - Unsubscribe request', $campaign->campaign_uid, $subscriber->subscriber_uid);
$_body = 'Please unsubscribe me!';
$mailToUnsubscribeHeader = sprintf(', <mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s>', $listUnsubscribeHeaderEmail, $_subject, $_body);
$listUnsubscribeHeaderValue .= $mailToUnsubscribeHeader;

I just commented out all of that.

To prevent it from getting overwritten during a future update, I also tried adding a new file called init-custom.php in the /apps folder with this hook in it:

// Removing Please Unsubscribe Me! shit
Yii::app()->hooks->addFilter('console_command_send_campaigns_before_send_to_subscriber', function($emailParams, $campaign, $subscriber, $customer, $server){
foreach ($emailParams['headers'] as $index => $header) {
if ($header['name'] == 'List-Unsubscribe') {
return $emailParams;

Hope that helps!
Ace. Thanks.
So just to confirm: with this in place, the forwarding of the emails will be accepted by MW?
Why not? I thought the Unsubscribe URL and links in the emails handled unsubscribes just fine — this "method" of unsubscribes is completely different. I don't really understand why they're sent, and since I've had them off I've had absolutely no trouble having people unsubscribe when they want to.
Appreciate that, and great that removing it works for you.
However, this thread was about how to keep this existing additional easy unsubscribe via the MW headers - supported by Gmail, MSN and some other providers - and make it work in conjunction with a single forwarding EBM.