Hard Bounce vs Soft Bounce?


Active Member
Does MailWizz have the ability to differentiate between a hard bounce and a soft bounce? It looks like MailWizz blacklists people on a hard bounce, which is fine. However, MailWizz seems to do the same for soft bounces -- is there any way to set it so MailWizz waits until X amount of soft bounces before blacklisting someone?

It applies globally, for all.
Is there any way to figure out why my subscribers were blacklisted after one soft bounce, then? There must be some bug or some issue, because I have it set to 5 soft bounces in the setting you mentioned earlier. A lot of my subscribers returned "
soft 5.0.0 blockedcontent" errors today cause of an issue with our IPs and MailWizz unsub'ed them all.
What if mailwizz tried to send and got 5.x.x status which made mailwizz retry sending 3 times before gave up.
When it finally gave up, it put the status in fatal error or error (depening on the status code) and later depending on the settings from backend -> settings -> cron it unsubscribed them ?
What if mailwizz tried to send and got 5.x.x status which made mailwizz retry sending 3 times before gave up.
When it finally gave up, it put the status in fatal error or error (depening on the status code) and later depending on the settings from backend -> settings -> cron it unsubscribed them ?
I'm not sure I understand. Today (just today, i.e. once) a lot of emails soft bounced due to an IP issue. Shouldn't MailWizz wait until 5 soft bounces before blacklisting an email address? This is what my settings say:

Max. fatal errors 1
Max. soft errors 5
Max. hard bounce 1
Max. soft bounce 5
Are you sure it was a soft bounce? A soft bounce means a post request to the dyn webhook with info about why it soft bounces.
In this case, since you had an ip issue, i don't think it reached that part, i think the email has been rejected upon submission and returned an error at the moment of sending thus it didn't reach the "bounce" step.
Does that makes sense to you ?
Are you sure it was a soft bounce? A soft bounce means a post request to the dyn webhook with info about why it soft bounces.
In this case, since you had an ip issue, i don't think it reached that part, i think the email has been rejected upon submission and returned an error at the moment of sending thus it didn't reach the "bounce" step.
Does that makes sense to you ?
I understand what you are saying. However, I looked at Dyn's backend and they are definitely reporting it as a soft bounce -- the "soft 5.0.0 blockedcontent" I mentioned earlier.
I think I know what is going on. I looked at the campaign stats and MailWizz is reporting the bounces as HARD whereas they should be SOFT bounces. Maybe MailWizz is misreading the bounce code?
The question was where in the code, not what code ... :D
Here is one: "smtp;552 Sorry, your host is blocked by spam detection system."
Here is another: "mtp;550 SC-001 (SNT004-MC3F55) Unfortunately, messages from xxx weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors"

We had a temp issue with one IP that is being cleared up, which is why we had a lot of soft bounces today and yesterday.
The question was where in the code, not what code ... :D
Quick related question. If I wanted to manually mark a subscriber as blacklisted or turn blacklisted to confirmed, how would I do that? Can I simply change the "status" field in the "list_subscriber" table?
I took a look at the DynECT API. It looks like it sends back "hard" or "soft" as type for bounce on the callback. Where in MailWizz code can I modify so that MailWizz follows what Dyn reports, i.e. if Dyn says "hard" bounce then MailWizz treats it as "hard" and if Dyn says "soft" bounce then MailWizz treats it as soft?
It already does that. Look in apps/frontend/controllers/DswhController.php
Then I'm lost as to why people are blacklisted after one soft bounce.
Also, how do I remove a subscriber from the blacklist? I tried manually changing "status" in the list_subscriber database table from "blacklist" to "confirmed" but that doesnt help -- all the subscribers got reverted to "blacklist" status after the campaign was sent.
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Then I'm lost as to why people are blacklisted after one soft bounce.
Also, how do I remove a subscriber from the blacklist? I tried manually changing "status" in the list_subscriber database table from "blacklist" to "confirmed" but that doesnt help -- all the subscribers got reverted to "blacklist" status after the campaign was sent.
Nevermind, I see that I missed the email_blacklist table...
It already does that. Look in apps/frontend/controllers/DswhController.php
I think I figured out why it is treating all soft bounces as hard. In the code it says:
$bounceRule = $request->getQuery('bouncerule'); // bounce rule
$bounceType = $request->getQuery('bouncetype'); // bounce type

It should be:
$bounceRule = $request->getQuery('rule'); // bounce rule
$bounceType = $request->getQuery('type'); // bounce type

Because this is the callback: