Help me configure my app so I can send mails

@Elo Otiede - Where exactly you get stuck, maybe we can help. Otherwise, maybe @Vpul Shah can assist you installing it.

I get this error

Cannot send the confirmation email using the data you provided.
Here is a transcript of the error message:
Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]
Log data:
++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport
!! Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110] (code: 0)
this error is normally due to issue with your SMTP server.
are you sure you are using correct
1. Server domain (or you can use IP for your SMTP server)
2. SMTP login user name
3. SMTP login password
4. SMTP password.

also on your Mailwizz server your SMTP port is allowed in firewall if you have any.
Hope this will help to fix your problem.
