hotmail in boxing help


Active Member
I have fully warmup IPs sender score is 96+
no black list, no IP throttling at all.
List is clean zero bounce and zero spam trap hit.
SPF is valid, DKIM is valid, DMARC record is there score is 10/10

but email in hotmail went to JUNK.

any help how to deliver inbox ?
also in hotmail postmaster, IPs showing red even no trap hit.
any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
I have fully warmup IPs sender score is 96+
no black list, no IP throttling at all.
List is clean zero bounce and zero spam trap hit.
SPF is valid, DKIM is valid, DMARC record is there score is 10/10

but email in hotmail went to JUNK.

any help how to deliver inbox ?
also in hotmail postmaster, IPs showing red even no trap hit.
any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
# FROM = ReplyTo = ReturnPath
# content: test with litmus/glock
# rep:
domain rep: IP rep is not enough
general rep: if any of your IPs or domains are connected to unwanted messages in your whole op
# speed: start very slowly with the big four (see thread inboxing wisdom post warm-up schedule)
# best foot forward: start with openers, clickers, repliers (re-action, white-listing, approval, etc)