How can i work on local server


New Member
Hello !
How can i work on mailwizz in local server (wamp)

I want to add new theme (landon or blue advanced ) through the admin page
I navigate to extend -> theme and i upload my theme successfully !
but after the upload i can't see any theme ! ..the theme list remains empty (even after refresh)

I attached a video snapshot for more clarity
How can I solve my problem

thank you in advance


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Thank you @twisted1919 ... it works on linux ! :)
I can now see the theme list

but nothing happens when I activate one of these themes!
cache problem? or should I change/modify some php files?
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Thank you @twisted1919 ... it works on linux ! :)
I can now see the theme list

but nothing happens when I activate one of these themes!
cache problem? or should I change/modify some php files?

It might be useful to first run the requirements checker

Also, for local install, it might be wise to carefully review all logs of app/stack/server/etc, and also enable debugging, so you quickly see where problems come from.
thank you @frm.mwz and @twisted1919 for your answers
it works now for frontend


but actually what i want is to change the customers part
I upload->activated blue themes but I havent seen any change in the customers part
I followed this post here but it did not help me much
i have the same question of comment #12
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@karim - the blue themes don't really change anything, you have to look inside them to see the code and see how they work, they are just a starting point to create your theme.
Also, Landon is a good template to get as example to create your own.
Ok thank you @twisted1919
it is much more clear now

I have already noticed the css files and javaScript in : customer ->themes-> blues themes -> assets -> css/js
it reassures me ... I feel a bit at home :D I am a developer and I know I could modify these files

but in which folders i can find html/php ...
I say this because I have never worked on yii2
but in which folders i can find html/php ...
I say this because I have never worked on yii2
Let's say you create a customer theme and you want to edit the campaigns views. In order to do so, you create a folder named views in your theme, then you go into apps/customer/views and you take the campaigns folder and you copy it in your views folder from your theme. Then you edit the view files as you wish without worrying that they will get overwritten at upgrades.
Makes sense?
ok @twisted1919 ... there is progress anyway =)
but the change has only happened when I changed the index.php of dashboard folder .not that of campaigns

another brief question
in dashboard index.php I see this : dashboard/chatter OR dashboard/subscribers_growth etc :
where can I find these folders/files (I guess these are folders/files -making a path-)
in cpanel file manager - there is option to Edit each file, so you can select file and edit that.

For image you can upload via file manager.