D Dev1@OptiBiz1 Member Sep 16, 2016 #1 I can create currencies but how do I use it? like set currency to a price plan, or maybe customer can set its currency.
I can create currencies but how do I use it? like set currency to a price plan, or maybe customer can set its currency.
twisted1919 Administrator Staff member Sep 16, 2016 #2 The idea is to set the default currency that is used system wide. There are multiple currencies because people will install it in various countries where they might use other currencies than usd.
The idea is to set the default currency that is used system wide. There are multiple currencies because people will install it in various countries where they might use other currencies than usd.
Vpul Shah Well-Known Member Sep 16, 2016 #3 In Currencies, you need to set your prefered default currency. And that will apply to pricing plan.