How set Power MTA for bounce process?


New Member
I use PMTA in mailwizz as a delivery server. Everything works fine regarding delivery of campaigns/emails. But bounce and fbl process does not work. Could somebody pls advice me how should I set PMTA config so that bounces work properly? Thanks
Thanks Vpul, I know it. But if you would have for example 1000 customers of your mailwizz you would need to set min. 1000 APIs and min. 1000 email list ids?
@fgaep - that's why you need to start using catchall generic emails like unsubscribe-[subscriber-uid] and you'd then extract the subscriber uid from the above email and take action against it.
@fgaep - that's why you need to start using catchall generic emails like unsubscribe-[subscriber-uid] and you'd then extract the subscriber uid from the above email and take action against it.
It means there is a way without API keys? Can I do it so that bounces and FBLs are processed by using of port25-bounce handler and without mailwizz api setting?
I think mailwizz bounce process can work without API. If I would add manually via phpmyadmin a record (for example with hard bounce) into campaign_bounce_log table, then I can see this record in refreshed campaign stats. If I would change delivery_confirmed field in campaign_delivery_log from yes to no, then I can see it also in refreshed campaign stats. But I can run a php script from pmta config, see for example this:
<acct-file |/usr/bin/php /opt/pmta/bouncehandler/bouncehandler.php>
records b
record-fields b timeQueued,bounceCat,vmta,orig,rcpt,srcMta,dlvSourceIp,jobId,dsnStatus,dsnMta,dsnDiag
</acct-file>, read more here:
Of course, it will be needed to delete hard bounces from all email lists in mailwizz system. PMTA needs to know campaign id and subcriber id.
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I use PMTA in mailwizz as a delivery server too. Everything is ok regarding delivery of campaigns/emails.

But bounce and fbl process does not work.
I cant connect them to mailwizz - i am getting errors when i am changing ports or POP3/IMAP
  • Unknown error while opening the connection! for port IMAP 143
  • ESMTP service ready for POP3 port 2525
  • ESMTP Postfix for POP3 port 25
Could somebody pls advice me how should I set PMTA config so that bounces work properly? Thanks
Pmta and mailwizz are NOT on the same server.

check each part separately
e.g. each assumed 'non-working' mbx with thunderbird
e.g. each protocol available

also consider firewall issues {pop: SSL/995, (Start)TLS/110; imap: SSL/993, (Start)TLS/143}
Oh customer .. I was looking in backend, thxs @twisted1919 !! :-) stupid
If I have several remote smtp servers, will I have to generate a seperate key for each one? I assume so.
Hey I am using above codes which provided in github, I can't see any error but it's not processing. When I am doing it manually it shows like.
cat /var/log/pmta/bounce-2018-05-12-0000.csv | /usr/bin/php /opt/pmta/bouncehandler/bouncehandler.php
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

[12/May/2018 11:36:39] ------------------------------------------------------------------
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Port25 PowerMTA bounce-handler
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] (C) 2016-2017 Gerd Naschenweng
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] ------------------------------------------------------------------
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Handling bounce categories=bad-mailbox,bad-domain,routing-errors,inactive-mailbox,spam-related,policy-related
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Soft-bounce categories=bad-configuration,bad-connection,content-related,invalid-sender,other,policy-related,quota-issues,spam-related,virus-related
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Bounce-provider: MailWizz, initialising
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Endpoint-URL=http://domainaname/api/index.php/
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] MailWizz enabled!
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Bounce-provider: MailWizz, complete
[12/May/2018 11:36:39] Feedback-provider: initialising

After above line noting happen
you'll have to head over to github with this issue. It's not related to mailwizz and no one here will be able to help you
Yeah I gone through github code and updated everything as mentioned in docs, but it's not working. Also it is not showing error as well when I am running command, cat /var/log/pmta/bounce-2018-05-12-0000.csv | /usr/bin/php /opt/pmta/bouncehandler/bouncehandler.php
Yes, still this is something related to the bouncehandler code. Register with github and open an issue there. No one in here can help you.