How to delete ALL susbcribers from a list?


Is there any simple 1 click way to delete all subscribers from a list?

I know I can delete list and make new one, I know I can select page by page and delete them, but is there any way to simply delete all subscribers in a list with cpl clicks?

This is the fastest way. Copy existing list and delete old one. Or do it from the database directly.

Having a select all pages would be very nice. Copy the list will bring the list "schema" (custom fields) + contacts so its of no use.

DB query is kind of rudimentary for users with no db access.

I thing having this option is a "most" for your system :)

Copy the list will bring the list "schema" (custom fields) + contacts so its of no use.
Copy list does not copy the subs, it is meant to allow for quick duplication of the existing setup of that copied list (e.g. you can fix an import error quickly).

Which is why @twisted1919 wrote this:
Copy existing list and delete old one.
It seems to be the fastest.

bulk action from source
This probably takes longer if you really want to delete all subs from a list.