How to disable the statistics?


New Member
Tell me, please! How can I disable the statistics? I do not want to in the letter was tracking pixel with a link. What should I do to remove it?

P.S. Sorry for the illiterate text writing through Google translator.

Removing tracking pixel for opens isn't possible without code changes in core files.
If you really need to do this, have a look in apps/common/helpers/CampaignHelper.php file, you have there the code that inserts the tracking pixel, you can simply comment it out.

No, don't delete the file, come on :D
Open that file and look for:
if ($appendBeacon && !empty($subscriber->subscriber_id)) {
   $beaconUrl = $options->get('system.urls.frontend_absolute_url');
   $beaconUrl .= 'campaigns/' . $campaign->campaign_uid . '/track-opening/' . $subscriber->subscriber_uid;
   $beaconImage = CHtml::image($beaconUrl, '', array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1));
   $content = str_ireplace('</body>', $beaconImage . "\n" . '</body>', $content);
and make it:
if (false && $appendBeacon && !empty($subscriber->subscriber_id)) {
   $beaconUrl = $options->get('system.urls.frontend_absolute_url');
   $beaconUrl .= 'campaigns/' . $campaign->campaign_uid . '/track-opening/' . $subscriber->subscriber_uid; 
   $beaconImage = CHtml::image($beaconUrl, '', array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1));
   $content = str_ireplace('</body>', $beaconImage . "\n" . '</body>', $content);
Basically you just add a false statement to the if condition.
That'S Perfect! Thank you so much!:)
Tell me one more time , please. Can I increase the number of characters in completing the custom fields ? More than 255. In which file to fix this? Thanks in advance!

That's going to be tricky...
Firstly, you have to alter the database column named value from the mw_list_field_value table and instead of varchar 255, you can make it varchar 500 for example.

Next, following code changes you have to keep in mind to apply again after mailwizz update:
Open apps/common/models/ListFieldValue.php and at line 45 change from 255 to your number.
Open apps/customer/components/field-builder/text/behaviors/FieldBuilderTypeTextSubscriber.php and at line 177 change from 255 to your number.


You should increase the upload allowed size from backend -> settings -> import/export from 1 MB to whatever you feel right.
But keep in mind that your server has to allow that size too otherwise it won't work anyway.
