How to keep same sending server for contact probability when using multiple servers % split. Consistency, not random round robin

Hey Everyone,

So I'm newer here on this. Come from well, still having many good esp accounts for our company like Bronto, Maropost, Get Response, AWeber, Infusionsoft Keap, but NONE of them have all of the features we really need and want, and we have nearly got the bounce server, internal gmail unsub and more figured out, and inboxing is solid, but... there are things we have available to us, we have never had the power before.. when using a log in interface ESP platform.. the relay set up is so powerful! But now I certainly have a few big questions, but this is the BIGGEST by far! We want to maintain the best delivery for each set of domains we mail to and subscribers.. we only mail to top 10 TLD's.. so Yahoo's/ Ymail, Gmail is 89% of our list organically, and then Microsoft 4, and mac/me/icloud. Would like to see what does best with which domain group, and then... Route by domain to the best delivery server.. .Relay..

So that is the basis to start this out.., but then. it gets trickier.... but could be easy for some of your vetran guru's out there.. who have this down pat.

--**Part 1:

I have 4 servers.. delivery servers... that is...:

Right now... Green Arrow, my.smtp .com, send grid, and spark post

If I want to send 25% on each... say I have a total list set, of 100K

So I want each of the above 4 delivery esp relays, using smtp protocol, to deliver
25% through each, or 25K via each server set up... All on the same from email and brand/domain. We are 100% permission based first party, so $3 a subscriber or so, all real time acquired on acquisition campaigns, from google, facebook, on our pages, we only send back to our own domain/site from brand email first.. So this is why it is sooo important!!

All 4 are inboxing primary on gmail and main top 10 TLD domains very well...

--** Part 2: when I do a work flow... in auto responder series, .. etc. that is when they come in...

if I have the probability at 25% on each and all 4 delivery servers selected... on each email campaign / template.. and I select ALL 4 of them

How do I keep each individual contact as being sent from the original deliver server they were sent from.. ?

So... if for example:

Jack was sent at green arrow and Kelly from send grid and Joe from spark post..

then how IN the future, do I keep them ... sending to them from the same servers.. and not like random round robin them.. So Jack will next time he is emailed.. automatically in auto responders, or broadcast campaign sending... Jack is always sent from Green Arrow emai esp relay server, and Kelly via send grid, and Joe through spark post relay.. It will always be from the same from email address identical..

What I do NOT want to happen is for Jack who say maybe came in on Green Arrow... he was sent from there, maybe first time , but the second auto resopnder email I do NOT want him to get email via another server like send grid.. that would not be good.. Each subscriber needs to stay associated with where they were sent from initially upon entry to the system.

I thought maybe I could add a custom tag.. but I do not see how to do that anywhere! ??

--** Part 3:

Also... if they say they clicked... something, or opened.. then for sure I would want to also be noted as a tag like opener yes, or clicker yes.. and stay with that same relay service.. and not change...

But if they well.. for instance, were not opening from a server relay.. for first 8 days.. I would like to know how to update/modify that tag... or a way to then change them from that delivery server.. to another so then maybe I can inbox them from there, and have a better chance with the change up.. to get them engaged, so if they did not open... when being sent from our same email address, but on green arrow, they could then be attempted for all non openers.. from green arrow, next to send grid to see if we can activate them there.. etc..

but how do I know which dang delivery server that was from and tied to, so that sticks with them.... and so on. I know force the from and reply too is on, not forcing sender ... and signing is on.. (but we are not using dual dkim sig now in a migration, so those relays are only sending and signing, not adding or showing ours, spf only))

So very important if they engage... an email address stays with the from relay server they engaged with.. and not round robin bouncing all over.
This has been responded in the support tickets page.
The takeaway is that the only way to achieve this is to make sure you allow delivery server selection in campaign setup step, and then segment your list properly and stick to sending to same segments with same servers.
This has been responded in the support tickets page.
The takeaway is that the only way to achieve this is to make sure you allow delivery server selection in campaign setup step, and then segment your list properly and stick to sending to same segments with same servers.
Thank I pinged you back in the suppor thready. If that is proper, I will post here so all can see after I try it and have success..