I want to import my another email services, unscubscribes to Mailwizz, what is best way to do it ?
I already uploaded unsubscribers to my list and turned their status as "unsubscribed",
Then i made new list and i was still able to add unsubscriber to list, (didnt regonize it's unsub)
Should I import my unsubscribe list to email blacklist area ?
Or do i only use one list where I will import receipts, and maybe split the list when im sending another campaing for different receipts?
I want to import my another email services, unscubscribes to Mailwizz, what is best way to do it ?
I already uploaded unsubscribers to my list and turned their status as "unsubscribed",
Then i made new list and i was still able to add unsubscriber to list, (didnt regonize it's unsub)
Should I import my unsubscribe list to email blacklist area ?
Or do i only use one list where I will import receipts, and maybe split the list when im sending another campaing for different receipts?